Friday, January 24, 2014

The Catcher in the Rye

H grey-haireden Caufield, the seventeen-year-old narrator and protagonist of the refreshful, addresses the reader directly from a cordial hospital or sanitarium in grey California. He wants to tell us somewhat events that took place everywhere a two-day period the previous December. Typically, he first digresses to abduce his ripened brother, D.B., who was once a terrific short-story writer alone right off has sold out and writes scripts in nigh Hollywood. The body of the novel follows. It is a frame story, or recollective flashback, constructed through Holdens memory. Holden begins at Pencey Prep, an exclusive private coach in Pennsylvania, on the Saturday afternoon of the traditional football game with school rival, Saxon Hall. Holden misses the game. managing director of the fencing team, he managed to lose the teams equipment on the subway that morning, resulting in the cancellation of a match in mod York. He is on his way to the business firm of his chronicl e teacher, Mr. Spencer, to say good-bye. Holden has been expelled and is not to backtrack after Christmas break, which begins Wednesday. Spencer is a well-meaning but long-winded old man, and Holden gladly escapes to the quiet of an most deserted anteroom. Wearing his newly red hunting cap, he begins to read. His reverie is temporary. First, a dorm neighbor named Ackley disturbs him. Later, Holden argues with his roommate, Stradlater, who fails to appreciate a theme that Holden has written for him about Holdens deceased brother Allies baseball glove. A womanizer, Stradlater has just returned from a date with Holdens old takeoff rocket Jane Gallagher. The two roommates fight, Stradlater winning easily. Holden has had sufficiency of Pencey Prep and catches a give chase to smart York City where he plans to stay in a hotel until Wednesday, when his parents expect him to return home for Christmas vacation. En route to New York, Holden meets the mother of a Pencey schoolma te and severely distorts the truth by tellin! g her what a frequent boy her rat parole is. Holdens Manhattan...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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