Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Air pollution in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Air pollution in China - Essay Example country claiming that the country would continue to grow its economy relying on the energy inefficient industries and using the polluting agents (Feng, 1999). However, the studies claim that the cost of pollution would oppose the development a feature that has begun stagnating development endeavors in the country as the discussion below portrays. The introductory paragraph above states that pollution is costly and deters infrastructural development and economic growth in the country. China’s economy has grown within the last few years owing to the rapid industrialization of the country. China is among the largest consumers of fossil fuels in the world with most of the industries in the country running on petroleum products. While industrialization has fostered the economic growth of the country, such endeavors have contributed to different forms of pollution thus culminating in the current state of affairs. Currently, the rate of pollution has reached the highest level deterring visibility owing to fog. Such high levels of pollution have begun affect the country’s economic growth by making the country, a country that was once the leading global investment destination, lose on foreign investors most of who site the health implications of the intense pollution. Industries in China are the leading pollutants. The country has millions of industries that run of fossil fuels thereby emitting large amounts of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide among other poisonous gases. Cities in the northern parts of the country are more polluted than in any other parts of the country owing to high number of industries in such regions. China for example is the leading exporter of steal globally (Innes & Hassan, 2000). Steel and cement industries are among the companies located in the northern parts of the country. Cement and steel industries in the country contribute to pollution owing to the large-scale evacuation processes they carry out coupled with an equally large-scale

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