Sunday, August 25, 2019

Police Corruption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Police Corruption - Essay Example As compared to yesterday years, police corruption might have decreased but it has never left the system or the people responsible to operate the system have failed to erase its mark. Corruption conducted by police men ends up disrupting the entire system, corruption leads to lack of fair dealing, it ends up offending other individual’s moral and ethical values, individuals indulged in corruption end up committing immoral behavior, the benchmark gets distorted and it even acts against the moral standards of others operating in the policing system. The cost of corruption is very high and this increases the liability on the shoulders of the individuals of the policing system. Police corruption leads to the end of a positive relationship between the officials and the public. Discussion According to Carter and Baker, misconduct conducted by policing officials is of four types, these include: corruption, misbehavior, work-related deviance and deviance. Police corruption is not only conducted by the top officials, it is even found in the roots of the system which includes the lower ranks of the department. Officials throughout the hierarchy of policing system have been held responsible for conducting corruption and activities that can be counted as criminal in nature. The managerial levels of policing system are even corrupt and that is due to the special privileges that these officials have due to their positions. It is very hard to identify corruption conducted by managers in policing systems as these managers are in full control of all the activities conducted by the entire system. Theorists have divided corruption conducted by police managers into four types, which include: behaviors that are against the rules of the policing system, behaviors that are counted as negligent, behaviors that are recognized as wrong by policing system rules and these behaviors are conducted intentionally and lastly corruption is caused when managers fail to perform expected dut ies. The main concern of researchers is that why do police officials conduct corruption. Police corruption refers to all those illegal police activities conducted by police officials who exist in different positions of the hierarchy of the police system. In other words, police corruption is witnessed when an official working in the police department uses his position authority to gain material benefits. An act conducted by police officials is confirmed as an corrupt act when that behavior is recognized unlawful, the behavior results in wrongful use of position power and the behavior is conducted for any material gain. Activities such as stealing department assets, protecting criminals, and taking a bribe are considered as corrupt if the police official is on duty and conducting these activities. Police corruption takes place on individual as well as organizational level. Individual corruption takes place one only one official is involved in corrupt activities and organizational corr uption takes place when the entire system or department is conducting corrupt activities. Different theorists have defined police corruption in different ways, certain theorists define it as an act conducted by official for monetary benefits,

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