Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Development and Achievements of the Virtualized Servers Research Paper

The Development and Achievements of the Virtualized Servers - Research Paper Example This paper examines the development of the virtualized technology and its benefits to the organizations. The establishment of the Virtualization Technology Virtualization was initially established in the early 1960s to partition huge mainframe into small manageable virtue machines. With such partitions, the mainframe was capable of multitasking. The first developmental phase emphasized data center management and green objectives. This mainly targeted reducing data center space and minimizing the energy consumed by the system. Additionally, manufactures accessed strategies that would promote operation efficiencies by curtailing the proliferation of servers and reducing the total IT operation cost (Buytaert, Rogier & Juan 51). The 2nd phase considered promoting management and consistency of desktop applications. Developments in this stage targeted establishing thin client model, a common management, provision layer and a steadfast application server based on a managed data center. Virt ualization technology was shunned in the period of 1980s to 1990s due to the effect of the client-server applications, the x86-servers and desktops which promoted distribution of computation. Importantly, the outspread utilization of the Windows and development of Linux OS in the 1990s built x86 servers as the standard products in the industry (Buytaert, Rogier & Juan 39). Future establishment of the x86-server and utilization of desktops new IT infrastructure and functional challenges. These challenges have countered development of the virtualization technology and minimized it adoption. Challenges that have checked establishment of the virtualization technology An apparent challenge that has undermined development and adoption of the technology is the deployment of low infrastructure. Most organizations use one application per server to reduce the vulnerability of their system to attacks arriving from other applications. Additionally, the technology faces a challenge of high physi cal infrastructure costs. Infrastructure maintenance cost remains high since computing systems must remain operational throughout and this leads to power consumption, and increased cooling costs (Buytaert, Rogier & Juan 23). Importantly, there is a challenge of increased IT maintenance, which emanates from the advancement of the computing environment. Management of advanced virtualization technology demands specialized and experienced personnel. This escalates the system management cost since acquiring and maintaining such a group is costly. Furthermore, managing enterprise desktops is challenging since the system requires numerous patches and frequent upgrades (Buytaert, Rogier & Juan 185). Lastly, the technology faces serious challenges of security and scalability. There are insufficient disaster protection systems hence firms are vulnerable to systems breakdown and server applications inaccessibility. Additionally, the risk of security attacks, health pandemics, natural disasters and terrorism continues to counteract the growth of the technology. Importantly, flexibilities in the industry have introduced the problem of scalability. The IT industry is highly flexible hence demands a flexible technology. Developing and restructuring the Virtual infrastructures to accommodate novel developments is

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